Form RF1

Form RF1 is used to display the data of Philhealth Employee Contribution dan Philhealth Employer Contribution. To display this menu, go to Payroll > Philhealth > Employer > Form RF1. Then, the main page will look like the following picture.

To display the preview of Form RF1, follow these steps:

  1. Period: Choose the employee's payroll period of which data will be displayed on Form RF1
  2. Month: Set which month's data will be displayed on Form RF1
  3. Year: Pich which year's data will be displayed on Form RF1

After selecting all the above categories, the user can click to display the report in PDF or to display the eform RF1. The display of Form RF1 will look like the following picture.

The form displays these following information:

  1. Philhealth Number and Employer TIN. Philhealth Number is the company's philhealth insurance number. Employer TIN is the company's tax file number,
  2. Complete Employer Name, Mailing Address and Telephone are the company's complete name, address and company's phone number,
  3. Employer Type consists of three employer's types which are "private", "government" and "household",
  4. Report Type consists of three options which are Regular RF1, Addition to Previous RF1 and Deduction to Previous RF1,
  5. Applicable Period consists of month and year selected on the index page,
  6. Name of Employees displays the list of employee's names in accordance with the selected payroll period, month and year,
  7. Philhealth No consists of employee's philhealt insurance number,.
  8. Month Salary Bracket. The contents of Month Salary Bracket depends on the reimbursement component's score which has been selected with “Affect Philhealth”. For example, ALMEAL, ALTRANS and ALCOLA components. “Affect Philhealth” checkbox is only selected on ALMEAL and ALCOLA components. Therefore, the content of Month Salary Bracket is only the total score of ALMEAL and ALCOLA components. If the component score is less than 4000, then the score of Month Bracket Salary is 1. If the component's score is >=30000 then the Month Salary Bracket is 27. Besides that, the calculation will be (component score – 3000/1000,
  9. NHIP Premium Contribution consists of columns "PS" and "ES". For column PS, it will contains the score of Philhealth Employee Contribution while Column ES contains the score of Philhealth Employer Contribution,
  10. Member Status consists of three member status options which are "S-Separated", "NE-No Earnings", and "NH-Newly Hired",
  11. Acknowledgement Receipt is the receipt for the party who received the form. This part contains 4 columns which are:
    • Applicable Period : it displays the month and year period selected in the main page;
    • Remited Amount : it displays the total of the reported personal share (PS) and employee share (ES). This column will be filled manually by the party who received this form;
    • Acknowledgement Receipt No : it displays the receipt's number of this form. This column is also filled manually by the party who received this form;
    • Transaction Date : it displays the transaction date or the form's receipt date. This column is manually filled by the party who received the form;
    • No of Employees : it displays the total of employee displayed on Form RF1,
  12. Subtotal contains the total of PS and ES for each form. Meanwhile, Grandtotal contains the total score of PS and ES for the whole pages in Form FR1,
  13. Certified Correct contains the signature, the name who holds resposibility for that form and the form will be signed by the responsible party,
  14. Page of Page contains the page information currently displayed from the whole pages of Form RF1. 

Here is the detail of the data source for this report:


Some data can only be edited by authorised users.